Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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But she heeded not their entreaties,—
She has come into the ring-; She wouldn't fight for a government,
Where cotton wasn't king-.
Manassas was the battle-ground;
The field was fair and wide; The Yankees thought they'd wipe us out,
And on to Richmond ride. But when they met our "Dixie" boys,
Their danger they espied, They wheeled about for Washington
And didn't wait to ride.
Brave Beauregard, God bless him!
Led legions in his stead, While Johnson seized the colors,
And waved them o'er his head. So rising generations,
With pleasure we will tell, How bravely our Fisher,
And gallant Johnson fell.
Raleigh Register.